In September of 2000, we entered into another joint venture with Susan Chrisman (of Chrisman Enterprises) and Jim Chrisman (of Chrisman Construction, Inc.), both well thought of developers of commercial real estate in the Boulder market. We joined forces again to acquire Phase III of the Northview Project, which was also acquired at the same time as Northview II (under a separate investment group). Again, these are some of the only remaining R&D lots within the city limits of Boulder. This site was purchased individually with Susan and Jim Chrisman to warehouse and protect our market position with Northview I & II. We felt being able to insure what is built next door would assist / maintain the overall value of the project(s), plus it would open the tenant pool to anyone that needed a campus setting or future expansion. Once the sister projects are fully stabilized, we will be syndicating this opportunity to our pool of investors to compete the final phase of this three building development.